Things to keep in mind with feelings:
- Behind every feeling and/or behavior is a need.
- Feelings are neither right nor wrong.
- There is more than one way to do things.
The hurt spiral is when we claim the right to hurt our partner and justify it because we’ve been hurt, intentionally or unintentionally. What can we do when we are first hurt? How can we avoid the Hurt Spiral and spiraling down to a detrimental and vicious cycle of communication?
- Building a Climate of Respect
- Ending the Blame Game
- Understanding Expectations
- Redefining the Power Struggle
- Coping with Control Issues
- Listening Beyond the Words
- Appreciating Personality Differences
- Recognizing Childhood and Emotional Baggage
- Handling Anger Constructively
- Speaking the Truth in Love
- Learning How to Fight Fair
- Breaking the Hurt Spiral
- Forgiveness and Repair
- Rebuilding Trust